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Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

endocrine hormone


Nama : Gani Septa Anggara Mata Kuliah : Fisiologi Manusia
NIM : A101.14.019 Dosen : dr. Suwarni
Kelas : 1A1

1. TRH (Thyrotropin Releasing Hormon) • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormon)

• Prolaktin Tiroid

Kelenjar susu • Yodium • Perkembangan fetus
• Konsumsi oksigen dan produksi panas
• Kardiovaskuler, simpatetik dan pulmo

Merangsang awal produksi susu Pelepasan tiroid dirangsang oleh TSH. Tiroid membutuhkan yodium untuk menghasilkan T3 dan T4.
Sehingga sekresi TRH dipengaruhi oleh kadar T3 dan T4. Sedangkan produksi sekresi utamanya adalah T4.
• T3 mempunyai iktan besar dengan Albumine.
• T4 mempunyai ikatan besar dengan Globuline
Jika Yodium berkurang maka terjadi pembesaran tiroid (gondok) untuk mengejar kekurangan hormon yang dihasilkan.
2. GnRH (Gonandotropin Releasing Hormon) • FSH (Folikel Stimulating Hormon)
• LH (Luteinizing Hormon)
Gonade • Estrogen

• Progesteron

• Testosteron • Pertumbuhan alat-alat kelamin
• Perkembangan payudara
• Menyebabkan lendir servic menjadi lebih tipis ehingga sperma mudah menembus
• Meningkatkan osteoblastik
• Menyebabkan retensi Na, Cl dan H2O sehingga menyebabkan ekskresi urin berkurang

• Nidasi dipersiapkan oleh endometrium dan pada wanita hamil mengurangi kepekaan terhadap oxytosin

• Menyebabkan secret leher rahim kental, keruh dan sedikit sehingga menyulitkan sperma menembus

• Menyebabkan peningkatan ekskresi Na

• Untuk kontrasepsi hormonal

• Perkembangan kelamin sekunder

• Tingkah laku pola pria

• Metabolisme anabolik

• Pengaturan gen

• Spermatogenesis

• Diferensiasi seksual

Saat premenstruasi kadar urin menajadi sedikit. Sedangkan saat menopause akan terjadi osteoporosis pada wanita akibat menghilangnya estrogen.

Progesteron menimbulkan umpan balik negatif terhadap hipotalamus.

Testosteron dihasilkan oleh testis pada pria. Sel leidyg mensekresi protein pengikat androgen atau ABP yang akan mengikat testosteron sebagai jawaban terhadap rangsangan FSH.

FSH mengalami feedback mechanisme oleh hormon Estrogen sedangkan LH mengalami feedback mechanisme oleh hormon progesteron dan hormon testosteron.

Hipofungsi kelenjar gonad dimana adanya gangguan pada awal proses maturasi juga adanya regresi dari ciri-ciri seks yang sebelumnya berkembang normal
3. CRH (Corticotropin Releasing Hormon) ACTH (Adenocorticotropin Hormon) Korteks Kelenjar Adrenal/Suprarenal Kortikosteroid (glukokortikoid, mineralokortikoid dan hormon androgen adrenal Metabolisme bahan makanan (fungsi korteks kelj.adrenal) Pelepasan hormon kortikosteroid dipacu oleh ACTH. Sedangkan pengeluaran ACTH diatur oleh kadar hormon glukokorticoid bebas yang beredar.
Hormon androgen adrenal diubah menjadi testosteron oleh liver, biasanya pada wanita.
• Pada pria 17 ketosteroid berasal dari androgen testis
• Pada wanita 17 ketosteroid berasal dari adrenal
Hipofungsi kortikosteroid menyebabkan penyakit Addison
Hiperfungsi kortikosteroid menyebabkan Cushing Syndrome dan menyebabkan hipersekresi ACTH

Mineralokortikoid utama yaitu Aldosteron
Sekresi mineralokortikoid dipacu oleh Angiotensin
Hiperaldosteronisme menyebabkan Sindroma Conn

4. GHRIH (Growth Hormon Releasing Inhibiing Hormon) GH (Growth Hormon) Kartilago epifisealis tulang panjang • Metabolisme lemak
• Metabolisme protein
• Metabolisme karbohidrat
• Metabolisme mineral Produksi GH berlebihan terjadi pada orang dewasa karena adanya tumor sel asidofil/tumor sel kromofob. Gejala berupa akromegali, hipertrofi otot jantung dan otot rangka serta pembengkaan tulang rawan.
Kadar pada orang dewasa 400 µg/dl
Pada remaja 700 µg/dl
Pada pagi hari sekitar 5 µg/dl

Produksi GH berkurang terjadi pada anak dengan tubuh kecil dan proporsi bagian tubuh normal.
Sekresi GH dipacu oleh:
• Kadar glukosa darah yang rendah
• Dopamin
• Latihan
• Stress
GHRIH menghambat hipofise dalam mensekresi GH sehingga GH yg dikeluarkan menjadi lebih sedikit.
5. PRIH (Prolacting Releasing Inhibiting Hormon) PRL (Prolaktin) Kelenjar susu Untuk perangsangan awal produksi air susu Prolaktin disekresikan oleh sel asidopil pada hipofise.
Kadar prolaktin yang berlebih dapat memacu perkembangan payudara.
Prolatkin meningkat pada kadar dopamin rendah dan adanya kerusakan hipotalamus/tumor.
PRIH menghambat dalam mensekresi prolaktin. Prolaktin tersebut hanya dapat merangsang produksi susu saja. Sehingga air susu tidak dikeluarkan dan apabila kadar dari prolaktin tersebut berlebihan maka akan memacu perkembangan payudara.
6. Beta Endorphin Hipofise Beta Endorphin akan disekresikan saat seseorang mendapatkan suatu kenikmatan seperti saat laki-laki mengalami ejakulasi, perempuan mengalami masturbasi ataupun saat seseorang mengalami kenikmatan dalam merokok. Beta Endorphin tersebut merupakan lobus anterior dari hipofise.
7. ADH (Antidiuretik Hormon) atau Vasopresin Untuk mempengaruhi jumlah air yang disekresikan melalui ginjal di tubulus kontortus distal dan duktus kolektifus. Kadar rata-rata orang dewasa: 2,3 – 3,1 µg/ml.
Sekresi ADH dipacu oleh:
• Berkurangnya volume darah sampai 10%
• Obat-obat morfin, barbiturat, kolinergik dan histamin.
Gangguan sekresi ADH yaitu Diabetes Insipidus dan SIADHS
8. Oksitosin Merangsang kontraksi sel mioepitel yang mengelilingi alveoli mammae sehingga memacu aliran susu kedalam sistem duktus alveolaris dan menyebabkan ejeksi air susu. Sekresi akan meningkat saat awal laktasi.
Apabila oksitosin berlebih maka ejeksi air susu akan berlebih dan susah dikontrol sedangkan kekurangan oksitosin maka ejeksi air susu akan sedikit bahkan tidak keluar.

Penyebab Infertil pada Wanita

penyebab infertilitas pada wanita;
1. Faktor Vagina :
Vaginismus (kejang otot vagina), Vaginitis (radang/infeksi vagina), dll
2. Faktor Uterus (rahim) :
Myoma (tumor otot rahim), Endometritis (radang sel. lendir rahim), Endometriosis (tumbuh sel. ender rahim bukan pada tempatnya), Uterus bicornis, arcuatus, asherman’s syndrome, retrofleksi (kelainan bentuk dan posisi rahim), Prolap (pemburutan, penyembulan rahim ke bawah).
3. Faktor Cervix (Mulut Rahim) :
Polip (tumor jinak), Stenosis (kekakuan mulut rahim), Non Hostile Mucus (kualitas lendir mulut rahim jelek), Anti Sperm Antibody (antibody terhadap sperma), dll.
4. Faktor Tuba Fallopi (Saluran Telur) :
Pembuntuan, penyempitan, perlengketan saluran telur (bias karena infeksi atau kelainan bawaan).
5. Faktor Ovarium (Indung Telur) :
Tumor, Cyste, Gangguan menstruasi (Amenorhoe, Oligomenorhoe dengan/tanpa ovulasi). Organ ini berinteraksi dengan pusat pengendali hormone di otak (Hypothalamus dan Hipofisis) dalam mengatur siklus menstruasi.
6. Faktor Lain :
Prolactinoma (tumor pada Hipofisis), Hiper/hypotroid (kelebihan/ kekurangan hormone tiroid), dll.
Infertilitas adalah keadaan seorang wanita tidak dapat hamil secara alami dalam satu tahun setelah secara teratur melakukan aktifitas seksual tanpa alat kontrasepsi.

Faktor penyebab infertilitas bisa pada pihak wanita (istri) maupun pria ( suami).

Adapun penyebab infertilitas pada wanita adalah :
- faktor vagina : vaginismus, vaginistis
- faktor serviks : polip, stenosis, non hostile mukus, antibodi terhadap sperma
- faktor uterus : mioma, endometritis, endometriosis, uterus bicornis, arcuatus
- faktor tuba fallopi : tuba buntu, penyempitan, perlengketan
- faktor ovarium : tumor, kista, gangguan menstruasi dengan / tanpa ovulasi
- faktor hormon : gangguan hormon pada poros hipothalamus-hipofisis-ovarium
- faktor lain : obesitas, hiper/hipotiroid, penyakit sistemik lainnya.

Sindroma infertilitas pada wanita:

sindroma defisiensi ginjal
kelainan bawaan, kelainan haid dengan siklus haid memanjang, darah haid sedikit, libido seksual menurun, tubuh kurus.

sindroma hati tertekan
siklus haid tidak teratur, gejala premenstrual sindrom seperti bengkak di payudara, emosi labil, mudah tersinggung.

sindroma defisiensi darah / xue
fisik yang lemah, anemi, penyakit kronis, sakit berat, mengakibatkan tubuh kekurangan darah sehingga tidak terjadi haid.

sindroma reak lembab
Timbunan reak lembab atau lendir, kegemukan, siklus haid memanjang, banyak keputihan.

Sindroma stagnasi darah
siklus haid memanjang, jumlah darah haid sedikit, berwarna gelap disertai gumpalan, dismenore


Pengertian Infertilitas : Keadaan dimana pasangan suami isteri selama satu tahun belum memiliki anak walaupun keduanya melakukan hubungan intim secara rutin dan tidak menggunakan kontrasepsi .
Ada 2 macam, infertilitas primer yaitu keadaan dimana seorang isteri belum pernah memiliki/melahirkan anak dalam keadaan hidup . Infertilitas sekunder yaitu jika seorang isteri pernah melahirkan anak dan namun tidak mampu melahirkan lagi sementara masih dalam masa produktif/belum menopause .
Perawatan medis
Pengobatan infertilitas umumnya melibatkan penggunaan obat kesuburan, perangkat medis, operasi, atau kombinasi dari berikut. Jika sperma yang berkualitas baik, dan mekanisme struktur reproduksi wanita yang baik (saluran tuba paten, tidak ada adhesi atau bekas luka) dokter mungkin mulai dengan resep kursus obat merangsang ovarium.
Dokter mungkin juga menyarankan menggunakan topi konsepsi penutup serviks mana pasien menggunakan di rumah dengan menempatkan sperma di dalam topi dan meletakkan perangkat konsepsi pada leher rahim, inseminasi intrauterin (IUI), di mana dokter memperkenalkan sperma ke dalam rahim selama ovulasi , melalui kateter. Dalam metode ini, pembuahan terjadi di dalam tubuh.
Jika perawatan medis konservatif gagal untuk mencapai kehamilan istilah penuh, dokter mungkin menyarankan pasien menjalani fertilisasi in vitro (IVF). IVF dan teknik terkait (ICSI, ZIFT, GIFT) disebut teknologi reproduksi yang dibantu (ART) teknik.
teknik ART umumnya dimulai dengan merangsang ovarium untuk meningkatkan produksi telur. Setelah stimulasi, dokter pembedahan ekstrak satu atau lebih telur dari indung telur, dan menyatukan mereka dengan sperma di laboratorium, dengan tujuan untuk memproduksi satu atau lebih embrio. Pemupukan terjadi di luar tubuh, dan telur dibuahi ini dimasukkan kembali ke dalam saluran reproduksi wanita tersebut, dalam sebuah prosedur yang disebut transfer embrio.
teknik pengobatan lainnya adalah misalnya tuboplasty, dibantu menetas, dan diagnosis praimplantasi genetik.
Komplementer dan pengobatan alternatif
Tiga pelengkap atau alternatif perawatan kesuburan perempuan telah teruji secara ilmiah, dengan hasil yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal medis peer-review.
1. Kelompok intervensi psikologis: Sebuah 2000 Harvard Medical School studi meneliti efek dari kelompok intervensi psikologis pada wanita subur (berusaha untuk hamil durasi satu sampai dua tahun). Kelompok intervensi dua kelompok pendukung dan kelompok perilaku kognitif-telah signifikan secara statistik tingkat kehamilan lebih tinggi dari kelompok kontrol.
2. Akupunktur: Akupunktur dilakukan 25 menit sebelum dan setelah transfer embrio IVF IVF peningkatan angka kehamilan dalam sebuah penelitian di Jerman yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2002. Dalam sebuah studi tahun 2006 yang sama yang dilakukan oleh University of South Australia, peluang kelompok akupunktur (meskipun tidak signifikan secara statistik) adalah lebih tinggi 1,5 daripada kelompok kontrol. Walaupun hasil definitif efek akupunktur pada transfer embrio tetap menjadi topik diskusi, studi penulis menyatakan bahwa tampaknya menjadi tambahan yang aman untuk IVF.
3. Manual terapi fisik: Teknik Wurn, fisik terapi pengobatan manipulatif manual, ditunjukkan dalam publikasi peer review untuk meningkatkan kehamilan IVF tarif dan alami pada wanita subur dalam sebuah studi tahun 2004, dan untuk membuka dan mengembalikan fungsi tuba falopi diblokir dalam sebuah penelitian di tahun 2008 . Terapi ini dirancang untuk mengatasi adhesi membatasi fungsi dan mobilitas dari organ reproduksi. Ini mungkin dianggap sebagai bentuk pariwisata medis. Alasan utama bagi pariwisata kesuburan adalah peraturan hukum dari prosedur dicari di negara asal, atau harga yang lebih rendah. In-vitro fertilisasi dan inseminasi donor prosedur utama yang terlibat.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Systemic lupus erythematosus
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For other uses, see lupus (disambiguation).
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Classification and external resources
ICD-10 L93., M32.
ICD-9 710.0
OMIM 152700
DiseasesDB 12782
MedlinePlus 000435
eMedicine med/2228 emerg/564
MeSH D008180

Systemic lupus erythematosus (pronounced /sɪˈstɛmɪk ˈlupəs ˌɛrɪˌθiməˈtʰoʊsəs/ ( listen)), often abbreviated to SLE or lupus, is a systemic autoimmune disease (or autoimmune connective tissue disease) that can affect any part of the body. As occurs in other autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks the body's cells and tissue, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage.[1] It is a Type III hypersensitivity reaction caused by antibody-immune complex formation.

SLE most often harms the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. The course of the disease is unpredictable, with periods of illness (called flares) alternating with remissions. The disease occurs nine times more often in women than in men, especially in women in child-bearing years ages 15 to 35, and is also more common in those of non-European descent.[2][3][4]

SLE is treatable through addressing its symptoms, mainly with cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants; there is currently no cure. SLE can be fatal, although with recent medical advances, fatalities are becoming increasingly rare. Survival for people with SLE in the United States, Canada, and Europe is approximately 95% at five years, 90% at 10 years, and 78% at 20 years.[4]
Signs and symptoms
Common symptoms of SLE.[5]

SLE is one of several diseases known as "the great imitators" because it often mimics or is mistaken for other illnesses.[6] SLE is a classical item in differential diagnosis,[2] because SLE symptoms vary widely and come and go unpredictably. Diagnosis can thus be elusive, with some people suffering unexplained symptoms of untreated SLE for years.

Common initial and chronic complaints include fever, malaise, joint pains, myalgias, fatigue, and temporary loss of cognitive abilities. Because they are so often seen with other diseases, these signs and symptoms are not part of the diagnostic criteria for SLE. When occurring in conjunction with other signs and symptoms (see below), however, they are considered suggestive.[7]

Dermatological manifestations

As many as 30% of sufferers have some dermatological symptoms (and 65% suffer such symptoms at some point), with 30% to 50% suffering from the classic malar rash (or butterfly rash) associated with the disease. Some may exhibit thick, red scaly patches on the skin (referred to as discoid lupus). Alopecia; mouth, nasal, and vaginal ulcers; and lesions on the skin are also possible manifestations.


The most commonly sought medical attention is for joint pain, with the small joints of the hand and wrist usually affected, although all joints are at risk. The Lupus Foundation of America estimates more than 90 percent of those affected will experience joint and/or muscle pain at some time during the course of their illness.[8] Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, lupus arthritis is less disabling and usually does not cause severe destruction of the joints. Fewer than ten percent of people with lupus arthritis will develop deformities of the hands and feet.[8] SLE patients are at particular risk of developing osteoarticular tuberculosis.[9]

A possible association between rheumatoid arthritis and SLE has been suggested,[10] and SLE may be associated with an increased risk of bone fractures in relatively young women.[11]


Anemia may develop in up to 50% of cases. Low platelet and white blood cell counts may be due to the disease or a side effect of pharmacological treatment. People with SLE may have an association with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome[12] (a thrombotic disorder), wherein autoantibodies to phospholipids are present in their serum. Abnormalities associated with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome include a paradoxical prolonged partial thromboplastin time (which usually occurs in hemorrhagic disorders) and a positive test for antiphospholipid antibodies; the combination of such findings have earned the term "lupus anticoagulant-positive". Another autoantibody finding in SLE is the anticardiolipin antibody, which can cause a false positive test for syphilis.


A person with SLE may have inflammation of various parts of the heart, such as pericarditis, myocarditis, and endocarditis. The endocarditis of SLE is characteristically noninfective (Libman-Sacks endocarditis), and involves either the mitral valve or the tricuspid valve. Atherosclerosis also tends to occur more often and advances more rapidly than in the general population.[13][14][15]


Lung and pleura inflammation can cause pleuritis, pleural effusion, lupus pneumonitis, chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary emboli, pulmonary hemorrhage, and shrinking lung syndrome.


Painless hematuria or proteinuria may often be the only presenting renal symptom. Acute or chronic renal impairment may develop with lupus nephritis, leading to acute or end-stage renal failure. Because of early recognition and management of SLE, end-stage renal failure occurs in less than 5% of cases.

A histological hallmark of SLE is membranous glomerulonephritis with "wire loop" abnormalities.[16] This finding is due to immune complex deposition along the glomerular basement membrane, leading to a typical granular appearance in immunofluorescence testing.


Neuropsychiatric syndromes can result when SLE affects the central or peripheral nervous systems. The American College of Rheumatology defines 19 neuropsychiatric syndromes in systemic lupus erythematosus.[17] The diagnosis of neuropsychiatric syndromes concurrent with SLE is one of the most difficult challenges in medicine, because it can involve so many different patterns of symptoms, some of which may be mistaken for signs of infectious disease or stroke.[18]

The most common neuropsychiatric disorder people with SLE have is headache,[19] although the existence of a specific lupus headache and the optimal approach to headache in SLE cases remains controversial.[20] Other common neuropsychiatric manifestation of SLE include cognitive dysfunction, mood disorder, cerebrovascular disease,[19] seizures, polyneuropathy,[19] anxiety disorder, and psychosis. It can rarely present with intracranial hypertension syndrome, characterized by an elevated intracranial pressure, papilledema, and headache with occasional abducens nerve paresis, absence of a space-occupying lesion or ventricular enlargement, and normal cerebrospinal fluid chemical and hematological constituents.[21]

More rare manifestations are acute confusional state, Guillain-Barré syndrome, aseptic meningitis, autonomic disorder, demyelinating syndrome, mononeuropathy (which might manifest as mononeuritis multiplex), movement disorder (more specifically, chorea), myasthenia gravis, myelopathy, cranial neuropathy and plexopathy.


Neural symptoms contribute to a significant percentage of morbidity and mortality in patients with lupus.[22] As a result, the neural side of lupus is being studied in hopes of reducing morbidity and mortality rates.[23] The neural manifestation of lupus is known as neuropsychiatric systematic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). One aspect of this disease is severe damage to the epithelial cells of the blood-brain barrier.

Lupus has a wide range of symptoms which span the body. The neurological symptoms include headaches,[19] depression, seizures, cognitive dysfunction, mood disorder, cerebrovascular disease,[19] polyneuropathy,[19] anxiety disorder, psychosis, and in some extreme cases, personality disorders.[24] In certain regions, depression reportedly affects up to 60% of women suffering from SLE.[25]


Further information: Systemic lupus erythematosus and pregnancy

SLE causes an increased rate of fetal death in utero and spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). The overall live-birth rate in SLE patient has been estimated to be 72%.[26] Pregnancy outcome appears to be worse in SLE patients whose disease flares up during pregnancy.[27]

Neonatal lupus is the occurrence of SLE symptoms in an infant born from a mother with SLE, most commonly presenting with a rash resembling discoid lupus erythematosus, and sometimes with systemic abnormalities such as heart block or hepatosplenomegaly.[28] Neonatal lupus is usually benign and self-limited.[28]


Fatigue in SLE is probably multifactorial and has been related to not only disease activity or complications such as anemia or hypothyroidism, but also to pain, depression, poor sleep quality, poor physical fitness and perceived lack of social support.[29][30]
[edit] Causes

There is no one specific cause of SLE. There are, however, a number of environmental triggers and a number of genetic susceptibilities.[31][32]
[edit] Genetics

The first mechanism may arise genetically. Research indicates SLE may have a genetic link. SLE does run in families, but no single causal gene has been identified. Instead, multiple genes appear to influence a person's chance of developing lupus when triggered by environmental factors. The most important genes are located in the HLA region on chromosome 6, where mutations may occur randomly (de novo) or may be inherited. HLA class I, class II, and class III are associated with SLE, but only classes I and II contribute independently to increased risk of SLE.[33] Other genes which contain risk variants for SLE are IRF5, PTPN22, STAT4,[34] CDKN1A,[35] ITGAM, BLK,[34] TNFSF4 and BANK1.[36] some of the susceptibility genes may be population specific.[34]
[edit] Environmental triggers

The second mechanism may be due to environmental factors. These factors may not only exacerbate existing SLE conditions, but also trigger the initial onset.

Researchers have sought to find a connection between certain infectious agents (viruses and bacteria), but no pathogen can be consistently linked to the disease. Some researchers have found that women with silicone gel-filled breast implants have produced antibodies to their own collagen, but it is not known how often these antibodies occur in the general population, and there are no data that show these antibodies cause connective tissue diseases such as SLE. There is also a small but growing body of evidence linking SLE to lipstick usage.[37][38][39]
[edit] Drug reactions

Drug-induced lupus erythematosus is a (generally) reversible condition that usually occurs in people being treated for a long-term illness. Drug-induced lupus mimics SLE. However, symptoms of drug-induced lupus generally disappear once the medication that triggered the episode is stopped. There are about 400 medications that can cause this condition, the most common of which are procainamide, hydralazine, quinidine, and phenytoin.[2]
[edit] Non-SLE forms of lupus

Discoid (cutaneous) lupus is limited to skin symptoms and is diagnosed by biopsy of rash on the face, neck, scalp or arms.
[edit] Pathophysiology

One manifestation of SLE is abnormalities in apoptosis, a type of programmed cell death in which aging or damaged cells are neatly disposed of as a part of normal growth or functioning.
[edit] Transmission

In SLE, the body's immune system produces antibodies against itself, particularly against proteins in the cell nucleus. SLE is triggered by environmental factors that are unknown.

"All the key components of the immune system are involved in the underlying mechanisms [of SLE]" according to Rahman, and SLE is the prototypical autoimmune disease. The immune system must have a balance (homeostasis) between being sensitive enough to protect against infection, and being too sensitive and attacking the body's own proteins (autoimmunity). From an evolutionary perspective, according to Crow, the population must have enough genetic diversity to protect itself against a wide range of possible infection; some genetic combinations result in autoimmunity. The likely environmental triggers include ultraviolet light, drugs, and viruses. These stimuli cause the destruction of cells and expose their DNA, histones, and other proteins, particularly parts of the cell nucleus. Because of genetic variations in different components of the immune system, in some people the immune system attacks these nuclear-related proteins and produces antibodies against them. In the end, these antibody complexes damage blood vessels in critical areas of the body, such as the glomeruli of the kidney; these antibody attacks are the cause of SLE. Researchers are now identifying the individual genes, the proteins they produce, and their role in the immune system. Each protein is a link on the autoimmune chain, and researchers are trying to find drugs to break each of those links.[2][40][41]

SLE is a chronic inflammatory disease believed to be a type III hypersensitivity response with potential type II involvement.[42] Reticulate and stellate acral pigmentation should be considered a possible manifestation of SLE and high titers of anticardiolipin antibodies, or a consequence of therapy.[43]
[edit] Abnormalities in apoptosis

* Apoptosis is increased in monocytes and keratinocytes
* Expression of Fas by B cells and T cells is increased
* There are correlations between the apoptotic rates of lymphocytes and disease activity.

Tingible body macrophages (TBMs) – large phagocytic cells in the germinal centers of secondary lymph nodes – express CD68 protein. These cells normally engulf B cells that have undergone apoptosis after somatic hypermutation. In some people with SLE, significantly fewer TBMs can be found, and these cells rarely contain material from apoptotic B cells. Also, uningested apoptotic nuclei can be found outside of TBMs. This material may present a threat to the tolerization of B cells and T cells. Dendritic cells in the germinal center may endocytose such antigenic material and present it to T cells, activating them. Also, apoptotic chromatin and nuclei may attach to the surfaces of follicular dendritic cells and make this material available for activating other B cells that may have randomly acquired self-specificity through somatic hypermutation.[44]
[edit] Clearance deficiency
Clearance deficiency

The exact mechanisms for the development of SLE are still unclear, since the pathogenesis is a multifactorial event. Beside discussed causations, impaired clearance of dying cells is a potential pathway for the development of this systemic autoimmune disease. This includes deficient phagocytic activity and scant serum components in addition to increased apoptosis.

Monocytes isolated from whole blood of SLE sufferers show reduced expression of CD44 surface molecules involved in the uptake of apoptotic cells. Most of the monocytes and tingible body macrophages (TBMs), which are found in the germinal centres of lymph nodes, even show a definitely different morphology; they are smaller or scarce and die earlier. Serum components like complement factors, CRP, and some glycoproteins are, furthermore, decisively important for an efficiently operating phagocytosis. With SLE, these components are often missing, diminished, or inefficient.

Recent research has found an association between certain lupus patients (especially those with lupus nephritis) and an impairment in degrading neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). These were due to DNAse1 inhibiting factors, or NET protecting factors in patient serum, rather than abnormalities in the DNAse1 itself.[45] DNAse1 mutations in lupus have so far only been found in some Japanese cohorts.[46]

The clearance of early apoptotic cells is an important function in multicellular organisms. It leads to a progression of the apoptosis process and finally to secondary necrosis of the cells if this ability is disturbed. Necrotic cells release nuclear fragments as potential autoantigens, as well as internal danger signals, inducing maturation of dendritic cells (DCs), since they have lost their membranes' integrity. Increased appearance of apoptotic cells also simulates inefficient clearance. That leads to maturation of DCs and also to the presentation of intracellular antigens of late apoptotic or secondary necrotic cells, via MHC molecules. Autoimmunity possibly results by the extended exposure to nuclear and intracellular autoantigens derived from late apoptotic and secondary necrotic cells. B and T cell tolerance for apoptotic cells is abrogated, and the lymphocytes get activated by these autoantigens; inflammation and the production of autoantibodies by plasma cells is initiated. A clearance deficiency in the skin for apoptotic cells has also been observed in people with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE).[47]
Germinal centres
[edit] Accumulation in germinal centres (GC)

In healthy conditions, apoptotic lymphocytes are removed in germinal centres by specialized phagocytes, the tingible body macrophages (TBM), which is why no free apoptotic and potential autoantigenic material can be seen. In some people with SLE, accumulation of apoptotic debris can be observed in GC because of an ineffective clearance of apoptotic cells. In close proximity to TBM, follicular dendritic cells (FDC) are localised in GC, which attach antigen material to their surface and, in contrast to bone marrow-derived DC, neither take it up nor present it via MHC molecules.

Autoreactive B cells can accidentally emerge during somatic hypermutation and migrate into the GC light zone. Autoreactive B cells, maturated coincidentally, normally do not receive survival signals by antigen planted on follicular dendritic cells, and perish by apoptosis. In the case of clearance deficiency, apoptotic nuclear debris accumulates in the light zone of GC and gets attached to FDC. This serves as a germinal centre survival signal for autoreactive B-cells. After migration into the mantle zone, autoreactive B cells require further survival signals from autoreactive helper T cells, which promote the maturation of autoantibody-producing plasma cells and B memory cells. In the presence of autoreactive T cells, a chronic autoimmune disease may be the consequence.
[edit] Anti-nRNP autoimmunity

Autoantibodies to nRNP A and nRNP C initially targeted restricted, proline-rich motifs. Antibody binding subsequently spread to other epitopes. The similarity and cross-reactivity between the initial targets of nRNP and Sm autoantibodies identifies a likely commonality in cause and a focal point for intermolecular epitope spreading.[48]
[edit] Others

Elevated expression of HMGB1 was found in the sera of patients and mice with systemic lupus erythematosus, high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is a nuclear protein participating in chromatin architecture and transcriptional regulation. Recently, there is increasing evidence HMGB1 contributes to the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases due to its proinflammatory and immunostimulatory properties.[49]
[edit] Diagnosis
Microphotograph of a histological section of human skin prepared for direct immunofluorescence using an anti-IgG antibody. The skin is from a person with systemic lupus erythematosus and shows IgG deposits at two different places: The first is a bandlike deposit along the epidermal basement membrane ("lupus band test" is positive); the second is within the nuclei of the epidermal cells (antinuclear antibodies are present).
Sodium pertechnate scan showing diffusely increased uptake in lupus cerebritis
[edit] Laboratory tests

Antinuclear antibody (ANA) testing and anti-extractable nuclear antigen (anti-ENA) form the mainstay of serologic testing for SLE. Several techniques are used to detect ANAs. Clinically the most widely used method is indirect immunofluorescence. The pattern of fluorescence suggests the type of antibody present in the patient's serum.

ANA screening yields positive results in many connective tissue disorders and other autoimmune diseases, and may occur in normal individuals. Subtypes of antinuclear antibodies include anti-Smith and anti-double stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibodies (which are linked to SLE) and anti-histone antibodies (which are linked to drug-induced lupus). Anti-dsDNA antibodies are highly specific for SLE; they are present in 70% of cases, whereas they appear in only 0.5% of people without SLE.[2] The anti-dsDNA antibody titers also tend to reflect disease activity, although not in all cases.[2] Other ANA that may occur in SLE sufferers are anti-U1 RNP (which also appears in systemic sclerosis), SS-A (or anti-Ro) and SS-B (or anti-La; both of which are more common in Sjögren's syndrome). SS-A and SS-B confer a specific risk for heart conduction block in neonatal lupus.[50]

Other tests routinely performed in suspected SLE are complement system levels (low levels suggest consumption by the immune system), electrolytes and renal function (disturbed if the kidney is involved), liver enzymes, and complete blood count.

The lupus erythematosus (LE) cell test was commonly used for diagnosis, but it is no longer used because the LE cells are only found in 50–75% of SLE cases, and they are also found in some people with rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and drug sensitivities. Because of this, the LE cell test is now performed only rarely and is mostly of historical significance.[51]
[edit] Diagnostic criteria

Some physicians make a diagnosis on the basis of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria. The criteria, however, were established mainly for use in scientific research including use in randomized controlled trials which require higher confidence levels, so some people with SLE may not pass the full criteria.
[edit] Criteria

The American College of Rheumatology established eleven criteria in 1982,[52] which were revised in 1997[53] as a classificatory instrument to operationalise the definition of SLE in clinical trials. They were not intended to be used to diagnose individuals and do not do well in that capacity. For the purpose of identifying patients for clinical studies, a person has SLE if any 4 out of 11 symptoms are present simultaneously or serially on two separate occasions.

1. Malar rash (rash on cheeks); sensitivity = 57%; specificity = 96%.[54]
2. Discoid rash (red, scaly patches on skin that cause scarring); sensitivity = 18%; specificity = 99%.[54]
3. Serositis: Pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane around the lungs) or pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart); sensitivity = 56%; specificity = 86% (pleural is more sensitive; cardiac is more specific).[54]
4. Oral ulcers (includes oral or nasopharyngeal ulcers); sensitivity = 27%; specificity = 96%.[54]
5. Arthritis: nonerosive arthritis of two or more peripheral joints, with tenderness, swelling, or effusion; sensitivity = 86%; specificity = 37%.[54]
6. Photosensitivity (exposure to ultraviolet light causes rash, or other symptoms of SLE flareups); sensitivity = 43%; specificity = 96%.[54]
7. Blood—hematologic disorder—hemolytic anemia (low red blood cell count) or leukopenia (white blood cell count<4000/µl), lymphopenia (<1500/µl) or thrombocytopenia (<100000/µl) in the absence of offending drug; sensitivity = 59%; specificity = 89%.[54] Hypocomplementemia is also seen, due to either consumption of C3 and C4 by immune complex-induced inflammation or to congenitally complement deficiency, which may predispose to SLE.
8. Renal disorder: More than 0.5 g per day protein in urine or cellular casts seen in urine under a microscope; sensitivity = 51%; specificity = 94%.[54]
9. Antinuclear antibody test positive; sensitivity = 99%; specificity = 49%.[54]
10. Immunologic disorder: Positive anti-Smith, anti-ds DNA, antiphospholipid antibody, and/or false positive serological test for syphilis; sensitivity = 85%; specificity = 93%.[54] Presence of anti-ss DNA in 70% of cases (though also positive with rheumatic disease and healthy persons).[55]
11. Neurologic disorder: Seizures or psychosis; sensitivity = 20%; specificity = 98%.[54]

The mnemonic to remember the 11 symptoms is 'MD SOAP BRAIN' or 'DOPAMIN(E) RASH'.[56]
[edit] Criteria for individual diagnosis

Some people, especially those with antiphospholipid syndrome, may have SLE without four of the above criteria, and also SLE may present with features other than those listed in the criteria.[57][58][59]

Recursive partitioning has been used to identify more parsimonious criteria.[54] This analysis presented two diagnostic classification trees:

1. Simplest classification tree: SLE is diagnosed if a person has an immunologic disorder (anti-DNA antibody, anti-Smith antibody, false positive syphilis test, or LE cells) or malar rash. It has sensitivity = 92% and specificity = 92%.
2. Full classification tree: Uses 6 criteria. It has sensitivity = 97% and specificity = 95%.

Other alternative criteria have been suggested, e.g. the St. Thomas' Hospital "alternative" criteria in 1998.[60]
[edit] Prevention

SLE is not understood well enough to be prevented, but, when the disease develops, quality of life can be improved through flare prevention. The warning signs of an impending flare include increased fatigue, pain, rash, fever, abdominal discomfort, headache, and dizziness. Early recognition of warning signs and good communication with a doctor can help individuals remain active, experience less pain, and reduce medical visits.[61]

As longevity of people with SLE increases, the likelihood of complications also increases in four areas: cardiovascular disease, infections, osteoporosis, and cancer. Standard preventive measures, screening for related diseases may be necessary to deal with the increased risks due to the side effects of medications. Extra vigilance is considered warranted in particular for cancers affecting the immune system.[62]
[edit] Treatment

The treatment of SLE involves preventing flares and reducing their severity and duration when they occur.

Treatment can include corticosteroids and anti-malarial drugs. Certain types of lupus nephritis such as diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis require bouts of cytotoxic drugs. These drugs include cyclophosphamide and mycophenolate.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was the last medication approved by the FDA for lupus in 1955.[63] Some drugs approved for other diseases are used for SLE 'off-label'. In November 2010, an FDA advisory panel recommended approving Benlysta (belimumab) as a treatment for the pain and flare-ups common in lupus. The drug was approved by the FDA in March 2011. [64]
[edit] Medications

Due to the variety of symptoms and organ system involvement with SLE, its severity in an individual must be assessed in order to successfully treat SLE. Mild or remittant disease can sometimes be safely left untreated. If required, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antimalarials may be used. Medications such as Prednisone, Cellcept and Prograf has been used in the past. A number of potential treatments are in clinical trials.[65]
[edit] Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are used preventively to reduce the incidence of flares, the process of the disease, and lower the need for steroid use; when flares occur, they are treated with corticosteroids. DMARDs commonly in use are antimalarials such as plaquenil and immunosuppressants (e.g. methotrexate and azathioprine). Hydroxychloroquine is an FDA-approved antimalarial used for constitutional, cutaneous, and articular manifestations. Hydroxychloroquine has relatively few side effects, and there is evidence that it improves survival among people who have SLE.[63] Cyclophosphamide is used for severe glomerulonephritis or other organ-damaging complications. Mycophenolic acid is also used for treatment of lupus nephritis, but it is not FDA-approved for this indication, and FDA is investigating reports that it may be associated with birth defects when used by pregnant women.[66]
[edit] Immunosuppressive drugs

In more severe cases, medications that modulate the immune system (primarily corticosteroids and immunosuppressants) are used to control the disease and prevent recurrence of symptoms (known as flares). Depending on the dosage, people who require steroids may develop Cushing's syndrome, side-effects of which may include obesity, puffy round face, diabetes mellitus, large appetite, difficulty sleeping and osteoporosis. Those side-effects can subside if and when the large initial dosage is reduced, but long-term use of even low doses can cause elevated blood pressure and cataracts.

Numerous new immunosuppressive drugs are being actively tested for SLE. Rather than suppressing the immune system nonspecifically, as corticosteroids do, they target the responses of individual [types of] immune cells. Some of these drugs are already FDA-approved for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.[63] See also Belimumab and Atacicept. Lupuzor has given encouraging results in a phase IIb trial[67]
[edit] Analgesia

Since a large percentage of people with SLE suffer from varying amounts of chronic pain, stronger prescription analgesics (pain killers) may be used if over-the-counter drugs (mainly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) do not provide effective relief. Potent NSAIDs such as indomethacin and diclofenac are relatively contraindicated for patients with SLE because they increase the risk of kidney failure and heart failure.[63]

Moderate pain is typically treated with mild prescription opiates such as dextropropoxyphene and co-codamol. Moderate to severe chronic pain is treated with stronger opioids, such as hydrocodone or longer-acting continuous-release opioids, such as oxycodone, MS Contin, or methadone. The fentanyl duragesic transdermal patch is also a widely-used treatment option for the chronic pain caused by complications because of its long-acting timed release and ease of use. When opioids are used for prolonged periods, drug tolerance, chemical dependency, and addiction may occur. Opiate addiction is not typically a concern, since the condition is not likely to ever completely disappear. Thus, lifelong treatment with opioids is fairly common for chronic pain symptoms, accompanied by periodic titration that is typical of any long-term opioid regimen.
[edit] Intravenous Immunoglobulins (IVIGs)

Intravenous immunoglobulins may be used to control SLE with organ involvement, or vasculitis. It is believed that they reduce antibody production or promote the clearance of immune complexes from the body, even though their mechanism of action is not well-understood.[68] Unlike immunosuppressives and corticosteroids, IVIGs do not suppress the immune system, so there is less risk of serious infections with these drugs.[69]
[edit] Lifestyle changes

Avoiding sunlight is the primary change to the lifestyle of SLE sufferers, as sunlight is known to exacerbate the disease, as is the debilitating effect of intense fatigue. These two problems can lead to patients becoming housebound for long periods of time. Drugs unrelated to SLE should be prescribed only when known not to exacerbate the disease. Occupational exposure to silica, pesticides and mercury can also make the disease worsen.[31]
[edit] Renal transplantation

Renal transplants are the treatment of choice for end-stage renal disease, which is one of the complications of lupus nephritis, but the recurrence of the full disease is common in up to 30% of patients.[70]
[edit] Hughes syndrome

Hughes syndrome, also known as the antiphospholipid syndrome or sticky blood syndrome, is also related to the onset of neural lupus symptoms in the brain. In this form of the disease the cause is very different from lupus: thromboses (blood clots or "sticky blood") form in blood vessels, which prove to be fatal if they move within the blood stream.[71] If the thromboses migrate to the brain, they can potentially cause a stroke by blocking the blood supply to the brain.

If this disorder is suspected in patients, brain scans are usually required for early detection. These scans can show localized areas of the brain where blood supply has not been adequate. The treatment plan for these patients requires thinning of the blood. Often, aspirin is prescribed for this purpose, although in more severe cases anticoagulants such as warfarin are used.[72]
[edit] Management of pregnancy
Further information: Systemic lupus erythematosus and pregnancy

While most infants born to mothers who have SLE are healthy, pregnant mothers with SLE should remain under medical care until delivery. Neonatal lupus is rare, but identification of mothers at highest risk for complications allows for prompt treatment before or after birth. In addition, SLE can flare up during pregnancy, and proper treatment can maintain the health of the mother longer. Women pregnant and known to have anti-Ro (SSA) or anti-La antibodies (SSB) often have echocardiograms during the 16th and 30th weeks of pregnancy to monitor the health of the heart and surrounding vasculature.[61]

Contraception and other reliable forms of pregnancy prevention is routinely advised for women with SLE, since getting pregnant during active disease was found to be harmful. Lupus nephritis was the most common manifestation.
[edit] Prognosis

SLE is considered incurable, but highly treatable.

In the 1950s, most people diagnosed with SLE lived fewer than five years. Advances in diagnosis and treatment have improved survival to the point where over 90% now survive for more than ten years, and many can live relatively asymptomatically. (It is important to note that "ten years" in this statistic does not indicate an average survival rate, but is merely the length of the referenced study. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, "the majority of people with lupus today can expect to live a normal lifespan."[73])

Prognosis is normally worse for men and children than for women; however, if symptoms are present after age 60, the disease tends to run a more benign course. Early mortality, within 5 years, is due to organ failure or overwhelming infections, both of which can be modified by early diagnosis and treatment. The mortality risk is fivefold when compared to the normal population in the late stages, which can be attributed to cardiovascular diseases acquired from corticosteroid therapy, the leading cause of death for people with SLE.[63]

To reduce potential for cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure and high cholesterol should be prevented or treated aggressively. Steroids should be used at the lowest dose for the shortest possible period, and other drugs that can reduce symptoms should be used whenever possible.[63] High serum creatinine, hypertension, nephrotic syndrome, anemia and hypoalbuminemia are poor prognostic factors.[74]

The ANA is the most sensitive screening test for evaluation, whereas anti-Sm (anti-Smith) is the most specific. The dsDNA (double-stranded DNA) antibody is also fairly specific and often fluctuates with disease activity; as such, the dsDNA titre is sometimes useful to monitor disease flares or response to treatment.[75]
[edit] Epidemiology

The rate of SLE varies considerably between countries, ethnicity, gender, and changes over time.[76] In the United States the prevalence of SLE is estimated to be about 53 per 100,000, translating to about 159,000 out of 300 million people in the US being affected.[76][77] In Northern Europe the rate is about 40 per 100,000 people.[78] SLE occurs more frequently and with greater severity among those of non-European descent.[77] That rate has been found to be as high as 159 per 100,000 among those of Afro-Caribbean descent.[76]

SLE, like many autoimmune diseases, affects females more frequently than males, at a rate of almost 9 to 1.[76]

The incidence of SLE in the United States increased from 1.0 in 1955 to 7.6 in 1974. Whether the increase is due to better diagnosis or to increasing frequency of the disease is unknown.[76]
[edit] History and culture
[edit] Etymology

There are several explanations ventured for the term lupus erythematosus. Lupus is Latin for wolf,[79] and "erythro" is derived from ερυθρός, Greek for "red." All explanations originate with the reddish, butterfly-shaped malar rash that the disease classically exhibits across the nose and cheeks.

1. In various accounts, some doctors thought the rash resembled the pattern of fur on a wolf's face.
2. In other accounts, doctors thought that the rash, which was often more severe in earlier centuries, created lesions that resembled wolf bites or scratches.
3. Another account claims that the term "lupus" did not come from Latin directly, but from the term for a French style of mask that women reportedly wore to conceal the rash on their faces. The mask is called a "loup," French for "wolf."

[edit] History

The history of SLE can be divided into three periods: classical, neoclassical, and modern. The classical period began when the disease was first recognized in the Middle Ages and saw the description of the dermatological manifestation of the disorder. The term lupus is attributed to 12th-century physician Rogerius, who used it to describe the classic malar rash. The neoclassical period was heralded by Móric Kaposi's recognition in 1872 of the systemic manifestations of the disease. The modern period began in 1948 with the discovery of the LE cell (the lupus erythematosus cell—a misnomer, as it occurs with other diseases as well) and is characterised by advances in our knowledge of the pathophysiology and clinical-laboratory features of the disease, as well as advances in treatment.[80]

Medical historians have theorized that people with porphyria (a disease that shares many symptoms with SLE) generated folklore stories of vampires and werewolves, due to the photosensitivity, scarring, hair growth, and porphyrin brownish-red stained teeth in severe recessive forms of porphyria (or combinations of the disorder, known as dual, homozygous, or compound heterozygous porphyrias).[80]

Useful medication for the disease was first found in 1894, when quinine was first reported as an effective therapy. Four years later, the use of salicylates in conjunction with quinine was noted to be of still greater benefit. This was the best available treatment until the middle of the twentieth century, when Hench discovered the efficacy of corticosteroids in the treatment of SLE.[80]
[edit] Notable cases

* Michael Jackson suffered from both SLE and vitiligo.[81] Diagnosed in 1986, and confirmed by his dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, who presented legal documents during court depositions.
* Lady Gaga has been tested borderline positive for SLE, however she claims not to be affected by the symptoms yet. The revelations caused considerable dismay amongst her fans, leading to Gaga herself addressing the matter in an interview with Larry King,[82] saying she hopes to avoid symptoms by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.[83]
* Louisa May Alcott, American author best known for her novel Little Women, has been suggested to have had SLE.[84]
* Inday Ba (also known as N'Deaye Ba), a Swedish-born actress who died from SLE complications at age 32.[85]
* Donald Byrne, American chess player who died from SLE complications in 1976.[86]
* Caroline Dorough-Cochran, sister of Howie D. of the Backstreet Boys, died of SLE complications. He founded the Dorough Lupus Foundation in her memory.
* J Dilla (also known as Jay Dee), a hip-hop producer and beat maker who died of SLE complications in 2006.[87]
* Lauren Shuler Donner, American movie producer.[88]
* Hugh Gaitskell, British politician who died of SLE complications in 1963 aged 56.[89]
* Seal, British musician (discoid lupus)
* Sophie Howard, British glamour model[90]
* Teddi King, American singer, died of SLE complications in 1977.[91]
* Charles Kuralt, former anchor of CBS Sunday Morning, died of SLE complications in 1997.[92]
* Ferdinand Marcos, former Philippine president, died of SLE complications in 1989.[93]
* Mary Elizabeth McDonough, American actress; blames her SLE on leaky silicone breast implants.[94]
* Flannery O'Connor, American fiction writer who died of SLE complications in 1964.[95]
* Elaine Paige, British actress and singer[96]
* Tim Raines, former major league baseball player[97]
* Mercedes Scelba-Shorte, America's Next Top Model Season Two runner-up and model.[98]
* Ray Walston, character actor who died of SLE complications in 2001 after a six-year battle with the disease.[99]
* Michael Wayne, Hollywood director, and producer, part owner of Batjac Productions, son of legendary actor John Wayne, died of heart failure resulting from SLE complications in 2003.[100]
* Kéllé Bryan, member of 90s British pop group Eternal, became ill with lupus in 1999.[101]
* Toni Braxton, American R&B singer, songwriter and actress.[102]


Selasa, 03 Mei 2011


A.  Definisi
Leukimia adalah proliferasi sel darah putih yang masih imatur dalam jaringan pembentuk darah. (Suriadi, & Rita yuliani, 2001: 175).
Leukimia adalah proliferasi tak teratur atau akumulasi sel darah putih dalam sum-sum tulang menggantikan elemen sum-sum tulang normal (Smeltzer, S C and Bare, B.G, 2002: 248)
Leukimia adalah suatu keganasan pada alat pembuat sel darah berupa proliferasio patologis sel hemopoetik muda yang ditandai oleh adanya kegagalan sum-sum tulang dalam membentuk sel darah normal dan adanya infiltrasi ke jaringan tubuh yang lain. (Arief Mansjoer, dkk, 2002: 495)
Leukemia adalah neoplasma akut atau kronis dari sel-sel pembentuk darah dalam sumsum tulang dan limfa nadi (Reeves, 2001). Sifat khas leukemia adalah proliferasi tidak teratur atau akumulasi ssel darah putih dalam sumusm tulang, menggantikan elemen sumsum tulang normal. Juga terjadi proliferasi di hati, limpa dan nodus limfatikus, dan invasi organ non hematologis, seperti meninges, traktus gastrointesinal, ginjal dan kulit.
Berdasarkan dari beberapa pengetian diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa leukimia adalah suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh prolioferasi abnormal dari sel-sel leukosit yang menyebabkan terjadinya kanker pada alat pembentuk darah.
Leukemia adalah kanker yang dimulai dalam jaringan yang membentuk darah. Untuk memahami kanker, hal ini membantu untuk mengetahui bagaimana membentuk sel-sel darah yang normal.

Sel Darah Normal
Kebanyakan sel-sel darah berkembang dari sel-sel di sumsum tulang yang disebut sel-sel induk. Sumsum tulang adalah bahan yang lembut di tengah sebagian besar tulang.
Sel induk dewasa menjadi berbagai jenis sel darah. Setiap jenis pekerjaan khusus:
·         White Blood Cells
Sel darah putih membantu melawan infeksi. Ada beberapa jenis sel darah putih.
·         Sel Darah Merah
Sel darah merah membawa oksigen ke jaringan seluruh tubuh.
·         Trombosit
Trombosit membantu gumpalan darah terbentuk yang mengendalikan perdarahan.
Sel darah putih, sel darah merah, dan platelet yang dibuat dari sel-sel batang yang dibutuhkan tubuh mereka. Ketika sel-sel tumbuh sel tua atau rusak, mereka mati, dan baru mengambil tempat mereka.
sel punca bisa tumbuh menjadi berbagai jenis sel darah putih yitu sel induk matang menjadi baik sel batang myeloid atau sel induk limfoid:
·         Sebuah sel induk myeloid matang menjadi ledakan myeloid. Ledakan itu dapat membentuk sel darah merah, trombosit, atau salah satu dari beberapa jenis sel darah putih.
·         Sebuah sel induk limfoid matang menjadi ledakan limfoid. Ledakan itu dapat membentuk satu dari beberapa jenis sel darah putih, seperti sel B atau sel T.
Sel darah putih yang terbentuk dari ledakan myeloid berbeda dari sel darah putih yang terbentuk dari ledakan limfoid.

B.  Etiologi
Penyebab yang pasti belum diketahui, akan tetapi terdapat faktor predisposisi yang menyebabkan terjadinya leukemia, yaitu:
a.    Faktor genetik: virus tertentu menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan struktur gen (Tcell Leukemia – Lhymphoma Virus/HLTV).

b.    Radiasi
Orang yang terpapar sangat tinggi tingkat radiasi jauh lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk mendapatkan leukemia myeloid akut, leukemia myeloid kronis, atau leukemia limfositik akut. Seperti  dalam lingkungan kerja, pranatal, dan pengobatan kanker sebelumnya.
·         ledakan bom atom: Sangat radiasi tingkat tinggi telah disebabkan oleh ledakan bom atom (seperti yang di Jepang selama Perang Dunia II). Orang, terutama anak-anak, yang bertahan hidup ledakan bom atom akan meningkatkan risiko leukemia.
·         Terapi radiasi: Sumber lain terkena radiasi tingkat tinggi adalah pengobatan untuk kanker dan kondisi lainnya. Terapi radiasi dapat meningkatkan risiko leukemia.
·          Diagnostik rontgen: x Gigi-ray dan lainnya diagnostik x-ray (seperti scan CT) mengekspos orang ke tingkat yang lebih rendah radiasi. Ini belum diketahui apakah tingkat rendah radiasi untuk anak-anak atau orang dewasa terkait dengan leukemia. Para peneliti sedang mempelajari apakah memiliki banyak sinar-x dapat meningkatkan risiko leukemia. Mereka juga belajar apakah CT scan selama masa kanak-kanak dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko leukemia.
c.    Obat-obat imunosupresif, obat-obat kardiogenik seperti diethylstilbestrol.
d.   Bahan Kimia, seperti: benzena
Paparan terhadap benzena di tempat kerja dapat menyebabkan leukemia myeloid akut. Hal ini juga dapat menyebabkan leukemia myeloid kronis atau leukemia limfositik akut. Benzene digunakan secara luas dalam industri kimia. Ini juga ditemukan dalam asap rokok dan bensin.
e.    Faktor herediter, misalnya pada kembar monozigot.
f.     Kelainan kromosom, (Suriadi & Rita Yuliani, 2001: hal. 177)
·         Sindrom Down dan beberapa penyakit warisan lain: sindrom Down dan beberapa penyakit lain mewarisi meningkatkan risiko pengembangan leukemia akut.
·         Sindrom myelodysplastic dan kelainan darah tertentu lainnya: Orang dengan kelainan darah tertentu akan meningkatkan risiko leukemia myeloid akut.
Leukemia biasanya mengenai sel-sel darah putih. Penyebab dari sebagian besar jenis leukemia tidak diketahui. Pemaparan terhadap penyinaran (radiasi) dan bahan kimia tertentu (misalnya benzena) dan pemakaian obat antikanker, meningkatkan resiko terjadinya leukemia. Orang yang memiliki kelainan genetik tertentu (misalnya sindroma Down dan sindroma myelodysplastic), juga lebih peka terhadap leukemia.

C.  Jenis-jenis Leukimia
1.      Leukimia Mielogenus Akut (ALM)
AML mengenai sel stem hematopeotik yang kelak berdiferensiasi ke semua sel Mieloid: monosit, granulosit, eritrosit, eritrosit dan trombosit. Semua kelompok usia dapat terkena; insidensi meningkat sesuai bertambahnya usia. Merupakan leukemia nonlimfositik yang paling sering terjadi.
2.       Leukimia Mielogenus Kronis (CML)
CML juga dimasukkan dalam sistem keganasan sel stem mieloid. Namun lebih banyak sel normal dibanding bentuk akut, sehingga penyakit ini lebih ringan. CML jarang menyerang individu di bawah 20 tahun. Manifestasi mirip dengan gambaran AML tetapi tanda dan gejala lebih ringan, pasien menunjukkan tanpa gejala selama bertahun-tahun, peningkatan leukosit kadang sampai jumlah yang luar biasa, limpa membesar.
3.      Leukimia Limfositik Akut (ALL)
ALL dianggap sebagai proliferasi ganas limfoblast. Sering terjadi pada anak-anak, laki-laki lebih banyak dibanding perempuan, puncak insiden usia 4 tahun, setelah usia 15 ALL jarang terjadi. Manifestasi limfosit immatur berproliferasi dalam sumsum tulang dan jaringan perifer, sehingga mengganggu perkembangan sel normal..
4.      Leukemia Limfositik Kronis (CLL)
CLL merupakan kelainan ringan mengenai individu usia 50 sampai 70 tahun. Manifestasi klinis pasien tidak menunjukkan gejala, baru terdiagnosa saat pemeriksaan fisik atau penanganan penyakit lain.

D.  Gambaran Klinis
a.       Aktivitas
·      Kelelahan
·      Kelemahan
·      Malaise
·      kelelahan otot
b.      Sirkulasi
·      Palpitasi
·      Takikardi
·      mur-mur jantung
·      membran mukosa pucat.
c.       Eliminsi
·      Diare
·      nyeri tekan perianal
·      darah merah terang
·      feses hitam
·      penurunan haluaran urin.
d.      Integritas ego
·      perasaan tidak berdaya
·      menarik diri
·      takut
·      mudah terangsang
·      ansietas.
e.       Makanan/cairan
·      Anoreksia
·      Muntah
·      perubahan rasa
·      faringitis
·      penurunan berat badan
·      disfagia
f.       Neurosensori
·      penurunan koordinasi
·      disorientasi
·      pusing kesemutan
·      parestesia
·      aktivitas kejang
·      otot mudah terangsang
g.      Nyeri
·      nyeri abomen
·      sakit kepala
·      nyeri sendi
·      perilaku hati-hati gelisah
h.      Pernafasan
·      nafas pendek
·      batuk
·      dispneu
·      takipneu
·      ronkhi
·      gemericik
·      penurunan bunyi nafas
i.        Keamanan
·      gangguan penglihatan
·      perdarahan spontan tidak terkontrol
·      demam
·      infeksi
·      kemerahan
·      purpura
·      pembesaran nodus limfe
j.        Seksualitas
·      perubahan libido
·      perubahan menstruasi
·      impotensi
·      menoragia

E.  Insiden
ALL (Acute Lymphoid Leukemia) adalah insiden paling tinggi terjadi pada anak-anak yang berusia antara 3 dan 5 tahun. Anak perempuan menunjukkan prognosis yang lebih baik daripada anak laki-laki. Anak kulit hitam mempunyai frekuensi remisi yang lebih sedikit dan angka kelangsungan hidup (survival rate) rata-rata yang juga lebih rendah. ANLL (Acute Nonlymphoid Leukemia) mencakup 15% sampai 25% kasus leukemia pada anak. Resiko terkena penyakit ini meningkat pada anak yang mempunyai kelainan kromosom bawaan seperti Sindrom Down. Lebih sulit dari ALL dalam hal menginduksi remisi (angka remisi 70%). Remisinya lebih singkat pada anak-anak dengan ALL. Lima puluh persen anak yang mengalami pencangkokan sumsum tulang memiliki remisi berkepanjangan. (Betz, Cecily L. 2002. hal : 300).

F.   Pathofisiologi
a.       Normalnya tulang marrow diganti dengan tumor yang malignan, imaturnya sel blast. Adanya proliferasi sel blast, produksi eritrosit dan platelet terganggu sehingga akan menimbulkan anemia dan trombositipenia.
b.      Sistem retikuloendotelial akan terpengaruh dan menyebabkan gangguan sistem pertahanan tubuh dan mudah mengalami infeksi.
c.       Manifestasi akan tampak pada gambaran gagalnya bone marrow dan infiltrasi organ, sistem saraf pusat. Gangguan pada nutrisi dan metabolisme. Depresi sumsum tulang yang akan berdampak pada penurunan lekosit, eritrosit, faktor pembekuan dan peningkatan tekanan jaringan.
d.      Adanya infiltrasi pada ekstra medular akan berakibat terjadinya pembesaran hati, limfe, nodus limfe, dan nyeri persendian. (Suriadi, & Yuliani R, 2001: hal. 175)

G. Pemeriksaan Penunjang
a.       Hitung darah lengkap : menunjukkan normositik, anemia normositik
b.      Hemoglobulin : dapat kurang dari 10 gr/100ml
c.       Retikulosit : jumlah biasaya rendah
d.      Trombosit : sangat rendah (< 50000/mm)
e.       SDP : mungkin lebih dari 50000/cm dengan peningkatan SDP immatur
f.       PTT : memanjang
g.      LDH : mungkin meningkat
h.      Asam urat serum : mungkin meningkat
i.        Muramidase serum : pengikatan pada leukemia monositik akut dan mielomonositik
j.        Copper serum : meningkat
k.      Zink serum : menurun
l.        Foto dada dan biopsi nodus limfe : dapat mengindikasikan derajat keterlibatan

H.  Therapy
1.      Pelaksanaan kemoterapi
2.      Irradiasi kranial
3.      Terdapat tiga fase pelaksanaan keoterapi :
a.       Fase induksi
Dimulasi 4-6 minggu setelah diagnosa ditegakkan. Pada fase ini diberikan terapi kortikostreroid (prednison), vincristin dan L-asparaginase. Fase induksi dinyatakan behasil jika tanda-tanda penyakit berkurang atau tidak ada dan dalam sumsum tulang ditemukan jumlah sel muda kurang dari 5%.
b.      Fase Profilaksis Sistem saraf pusat
Pada fase ini diberikan terapi methotrexate, cytarabine dan hydrocotison melaui intrathecal untuk mencegah invsi sel leukemia ke otak. Terapi irradiasi kranial dilakukan hanya pada pasien leukemia yang mengalami gangguan sistem saraf pusat.
c.       Konsolidasi
Pada fase ini kombinasi pengobatan dilakukan unutk mempertahankan remisis dan mengurangi jumlah sel-sel leukemia yang beredar dalam tubuh. Secara berkala, mingguan atau bulanan dilakukan pemeriksaan darah lengkap untuk menilai respon sumsum tulang terhadap pengobatan. Jika terjadi supresi sumsum tulang, maka pengobatan dihentikan sementara atau dosis obat dikurangi.

Daftar Pustaka

Smeltzer Suzanne C. 2001. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Brunner & Suddarth. Alih bahasa Agung Waluyo, dkk. Editor Monica Ester, dkk. Ed.           8. Jakarta : EGC.

Tucker, Susan Martin et al. 1998.  Patient care Standards : Nursing Process, diagnosis, And Outcome. Alih bahasa Yasmin asih. Ed. 5. Jakarta : EGC.

Doenges, Marilynn E. 1999. Nursing Care Plans: Guidelines For Planning And Documenting Patient Care. Alih Bahasa I Made Kariasa. Ed. 3. Jakarta : EGC.

Price, Sylvia Anderson. 1994.  Pathophysiology : Clinical Concepts Of Disease Processes. Alih Bahasa Peter Anugrah. Ed. 4. Jakarta : EGC.

Reeves, Charlene J et al. 2001. Medical-Surgical Nursing. Alih Bahasa Joko Setyono. Ed. I. Jakarta : Salemba Medika.

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